Japan doesn't import much ( if any) Iraqi oil, but if Iraq worries continue to push up global oil prices it would raise Japan's energy bill and further erode its current-account surplus. 日本并不从伊拉克大量进口原油(如果有进口的话),但如果伊拉克局势继续推高全球石油价格的话,日本的能源进口支出就会增加,该国经常项目盈余也会受到进一步侵蚀。
The greater risk appears to be not from a disruption of supplies from Iraq but rather that events there push global oil prices higher, raising China's overall import bill and the cost of subsidizing domestic fuel. 伊拉克危机给中国带来的风险似乎并非来自伊拉克石油供应的中断,而是来自当地推高全球油价的事件,全球油价上涨会推高中国整体石油进口成本以及补贴国内成品油的成本。
The import bill was also reduced slightly by a drop in the price of crude oil. 总进口额则因原油价格下滑而略为降低。
Efforts have Been made to stem the haemorrhage of america's oil import Bill. 已经作出努力来堵住美国在进口石油方面的巨额支出。
The second chapter explains the main risks which the banks must face to in the process of the Import bill purchase. 第二章主要分析银行在进口押汇中所面临的风险,第三章在提出了一点防范分析的建议。
Import bill discount is a type of short term financing frequently used in international trade. 进口押汇是国际贸易中经常使用的短期融资方式。
This would require a large and sustained expansion of their import bill, driven not only by public spending but also an even greater appreciation of their exchange rates. 这将需要他们持续大幅扩大进口不仅要靠公共开支推动,甚至还需要其货币更大幅度的升值。
Legal relations differs from the secured interest from Inward documentary bills. The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill 同时阐明了进口押汇中的押是与信用证法律关系中银行在单据上的质押权不同的。试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范
The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill On the Bill Counterargument 试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范
The study analyzed that the rise in oil price increase the production cost and decrease total exports from the region on one hand, while on the other increase the import bill across the board that put huge pressure on the external balances of the selected countries. 研究分析,油价上涨不仅增加了生产成本,而且在减少来自该地区的总出口量的同时,增加进口账单,对被选定国家的外部收支平衡施加了巨大的压力。
However there are disputes over import bill advance and its application, legal relations, and rights and obligations of parties involved among researchers, financial institutions and legal practioners. 但无论法学理论界、金融机构,还是司法实践中对进口押汇涉及法律适用、法律关系、各方权责等的诸多问题存在较大争议。
With the rapid development of import and export business, trade finance by means of import bill advance has been rendered as one of the financial services by commercial banks. 随着我国进出口业务的迅猛发展,采取进口押汇的形式进行贸易融资是商业银行为拓展金融业务开发的新型产品。